The Busier The Better: Meet Shelby Neal '00, Westover's Chief Academic Officer

The Busier The Better: Meet Shelby Neal '00, Westover's Chief Academic Officer
Whole School

Shelby Neal ‘00 admits she works better when she’s busier. So it only seems fitting that one of her nicknames is “SuperSonic Shelby'' -- a homage to the lightning fast cartoon character.

“That name came about years ago from a fellow dorm parent when I first started working at Westover,” Shelby said. “I am definitely always on the go and work better when I am busy. Being a Type A personality, I am more productive when I have a lot going on!”

Flash forward to 2020, and Shelby is still on the go and, maybe even busier now-- but that’s a good thing. This past summer she was named Westover’s Chief Academic Officer, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Academic Office.

“My role has been important in that I lead discussions and decisions around changes and adjustments to the academic program and schedule,”Shelby Neal, Westover's Chief Academic Officer Shelby said. “Due to COVID-19, our situation is constantly changing and we are faced with new questions and challenges every day. Providing support to students and teaching is more important than ever.”

Born and raised in Connecticut, Shelby received her bachelor's degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology from Central Connecticut State University and a Masters degree in School Psychology from Fairfield University. hen she graduated Westover in 2000, she told Math Department Chair, Sarkis Boyadjian, she was going to return one day to teach math.

"I had an amazing Westover experience and knew I wanted to be a part of providing that experience to other young women,” she said. “After taking an Introduction to Psychology class in college, I quickly changed my major to study this new-found passion.”

At Westover since 2006, Shelby has worn multiple hats. Starting out as a Lead Dorm Parent, Director of Summer Program, and Assistant Varsity Soccer coach, Shelby’s career path gravitated toward more student-focused academia work when she earned her degree in School Psychology, she became the Director of Student Services, overseeing the Center for Academic Support (now the Learning Center). 

“During my 14 years at Westover, I have taught Psychology electives and have served as Junior Class Dean and Yearbook Advisor,” she said.

Last spring as Westover transitioned to online learning for the community, it also meant a shift for Shelby and her focus of work as she helped support students and faculty and staff navigate a new academic structure during the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the immediate adjustments as the term went on included switching to a Pass/Fail grading system and making critical scheduling changes to best serve the students and their work. Once the 2019-2020 academic year ended, Shelby was busy once again working alongside Assistant Head of School, Ben Hildebrand, and in charge of the COVID Reopening Task Force, mapping out the smartest way for Westover to operate this fall.

“Our summer work focused on making plans for the fall that would provide the best experience possible in the safest way,” Shelby said. “I also worked closely with Kathryn Albee and the Online Teaching and Learning Task Force to make decisions about the academic schedule and guidelines for the fall.”

With many moving parts this summer, and Ben shifting toward a role overseeing Athletics, Shelby was made Chief Academic Officer. In her new role as a member of the Westover Senior Administrative team, Shelby is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Academic Office, including scheduling, progress updates, and attendance. She works closely with advisors and the Student Assistance Team to support students who are struggling. She’s also the Chair the Curriculum Committee, where decisions about the academic program are made, and meets regularly with all Department Chairs and Learning Center staff to support their work with students and teachers. She credits Katie Guthrie, School Psychologist, and Kathryn Albee, Director of Online Teaching & Learning, for supporting students and faculty during the virtual learning experience.

Some of her goals in her new position focus on the Westover strategic plan.

“Adapting teaching and learning policies, practices, and programs to meet the educational needs of a new generation of college-bound students,” she said of her plans, “and expanding innovative educational offerings that deliver Westover’s mission are two of the strategies named that I will be working on with Department Chairs and Program Directors.”

Outside of Westover, Shelby, surprise, likes to stay busy! She enjoys spending time with her husband, two children and their puppy.

“We love summer days by the pool, family game night and going for hikes,” she said. “Exercise is definitely my de-stressor so I make that a priority as well.”

As a graduate and an individual who has seen and now a part of many changes at Westover, Shelby said it ‘means the world to be back.’

“I had a wonderful experience and feel blessed to have the opportunity to be part of our students’ experiences,” she said. “I have seen wonderful programs develop and grow that enhance the students’ time at Westover. Specifically, the Rasin Center for Global Justice has been an amazing addition that provides opportunities for students to follow their passions.”

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The Busier The Better: Meet Shelby Neal '00, Westover's Chief Academic Officer