'The Mousetrap' Catching Westover Audiences on April 17 & 18

'The Mousetrap' Catching Westover Audiences on April 17 & 18

Seniors Wava Chan and Natalie Brown — as Director and Technical Director respectively — will stage an exploration of Agatha Christie’s murder'Mousetrap' poster mystery The Mousetrap on Saturday, April 17, at 7 pm and Sunday, April 18, at 2 pm. 

The project is a culmination of a three-month Independent Senior Project (ISP) in theatre, in which the two students chose the project, cast and rehearsed the show, designed the set, and planned the production. 

All Westover students and faculty/staff who have received weekly testing through the School are invited to the Louise B. Dillingham Performing Arts Center theatre to enjoy the show. Strict COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place, including social distancing, mandatory use of masks, and hand sanitizer. Parents or family who wish to attend must provide a negative PCR test to the School’s Health Center three to four days before the performance. 

Both performances will also be available via Westover’s Livestream at:


The Mousetrap has the distinction of being the longest-running show in the history of modern theatre. The play opened in London’s West End in 1952 and ran continuously until March 16, 2020, when the stage performances had to be discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Its engaging setting, plot, and characters has made The Mousetrap a favorite with audiences around the world. 

Westover students in 'The Mousetrap'The cast includes senior Katy Wolff as Mollie Ralston, sophomore Kyra Rook as Giles Ralston, senior Madeline Abate as Detective Sergeant Trotter, sophomore Shayla O’Donnell as Mr. Paravicini, junior Jillian Brown as Major Metcalf, junior JaMara Jean as Miss Casewell, senior Joyce Yang as Mrs. Boyle, sophomore Alexis Mays as Christopher Wren, and senior McKenna Rook as the Voice on the Radio. 

Technical students include junior Corinne Kadri and sophomores Sariah Lewis, Thea West, and Kaiyana Winter. 

For reservations, please contact the Westover Hotline at 203.577.4535.

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    'The Mousetrap' Catching Westover Audiences on April 17 & 18