Schumacher Gallery Announces Reception For Hey Ugly Exhibition With Artist Ebony B.

Schumacher Gallery Announces Reception For Hey Ugly Exhibition With Artist Ebony B.
Arts Events

Westover School’s Schumacher Gallery invites members of the public to attend a closing reception on Thursday, December 16, 2021 for the exhibition Hey Ugly by artist Ebony B. The reception will begin at 6:00 pm in the Schumacher Gallery, located in the Louise B. Dillingham Performing Arts Center.

Hey Ugly is a radically complex look into the issue surrounding black women and skin tone. Created to increase awareness around this very sensitive topic, Hey Ugly also offers an inspiring message about healing, love and self-worth.

Ebony B.’s work is passionately inspired by childhood nostalgia. Ebony B. is a visionary and photographer who blends art and life into her shooting style. With a background in psychology, Ebony has mastered seamlessly blending conscious and subconscious elements and experiences into her photography. Ebony creates worlds where Black Women are fully seen-not only for their external beauty but also for their internal strength.

Also featured at the reception will be work created by Westover’s Advanced Placement 2D Design students in collaboration with Ebony B. Over the course of the semester, Ebony B. explored the idea of “What makes you beautiful” by working on a portrait series with students. In reflecting on their own beauty, students learned techniques in studio lighting as they photographed each other, and then photographed a friend. “I really enjoyed it,” senior Fatima ‘22, reflected on her experience working with the artist. “I learned a lot, like how to approach taking portraits, lighting skills, and how to center the person in the camera and focus on their eyes.”  “[The experience] taught me how to make my model feel good and comfortable instead of embarrassed,” reflected another student, Mata Qin ‘23. “It’s important to help make the model feel confident in themselves.” About the exhibition and Ebony’s work, another senior, Jade-Noelle ‘22, said “I really like her art style. Her series can’t help but make the viewer stop and stare. It’s uncommon to find pictures that celebrate black joy, and a photographer who can light black models so well.”

Guests are encouraged to enter Westover’s campus through the gate on South Street. In accordance with State of Connecticut Executive Order 13A, masks will be required of all attendees.

Westover School is an independent boarding and day high school that challenges smart, motivated girls to become confident, connected women. The mission of Westover School is to empower young women to lead lives of consequence. The School’s strategic vision is to be a thriving global community of authentic voices embracing joy, diversity, intellectual growth, and change.

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Schumacher Gallery Announces Reception For Hey Ugly Exhibition With Artist Ebony B.