Alumna October Spotlight: Callee Roscoe '11

Alumna October Spotlight: Callee Roscoe '11

Callee Roscoe Graduated Westover in 2011 and attended Bentley University. She graduated in 2015, with a BS in Accountancy, and a Global Perspectives Liberal Studies Major.

1. How did Westover prepare you to head into a brand new environment (socially, academics, time management, being away from home,Callee Roscoe; Westover School alumna etc) during your first year of college?

Westover undeniably laid the groundwork for my academic success in college. Without the small classroom setting and attentive teachers at Westover, I would have never adapted to my specific learning habits, or developed academically. To say I was academically prepared because of Westover is an understatement.  I would not be where I am today without those at Westover who truly cared about my education. I went to college prepared to work intelligently and ask for help when needed. In college, I was always the first one to sign up for office hours, given how useful I found them at Westover.

2. How did Westover give you the confidence to find yourself or find success in college?

Westover gave me the confidence to feel that I belong and earned my seat at the table. I knew I had an excellent educational foundation and confidence to support, and even challenge myself, throughout college. Between Westover’s rigorous education and demanding sports and extracurriculars, I developed the mentality of an exceptionally hard worker. Whatever challenge was presented to me in college, I knew how to put my head down and focus on achieving it. I saw this mentality day in and day out at Westover. 

3. What is something you discovered about yourself during your time in college?

What I discovered about myself was something I regret not taking part of at Westover, excelling as a leader in my community.  I looked up to and respected all of the Heads of Schools, as well as West/Over/Dorcas leaders throughout my time at Westover.  I saw the impact they made on our community and the time and effort they put into their positions. My Junior year at Bentley, I was encouraged to run for president of my sorority, Alpha Phi. I feared the rejection, but I craved the ability to make a difference in my organization. It was the best decision I made, and I found a new passion as a result.

4. What is one risk you took after Westover that helped shape who you are today?

My all-time favorite quote is from Sheryl Sandburg, reading, “What would you do if you were not afraid? Now, go do it.” I think of this quote often, and it drives me to take on every risk I face. From the small risks at work, such as asking for a more prominent leadership role on my team, to the larger ones like leaving my comfort zone and moving to a new city. One risk that has shaped me wholeheartedly was embarking on a 17-day solo trip to New Zealand. On this trip I proved and celebrated my independence.

5. Since graduating from college, what have you been doing? 

I graduated in 2015 and immediately interned at Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG) with their audit practice in Boston. After accepting a full time offer, I studied for my CPA exam and passed all four parts and I began a full time position in August 2016. Since then, I have worked in audit for four years, moved to NYC, and successfully led two public company audits for a $1.8 billion international mining company. As of this May, I have transferred into the deal advisory practice at KPMG, where we perform financial due diligence for companies looking to sell, or buy another company.  I am very happy with my transition from the audit to the mergers and acquisitions team, as I still find joy and feel challenged at KPMG. 

6. How valuable are your Westover connections? 

My Westover connections have been paramount to my overall success and happiness since graduating in 2011.  There is nothing more rewarding than being proud of the people in your life, including friends, teachers, and coaches. I am very blessed to have kept in contact with my core group of friends since graduating and absolutely love reading and hearing about all my other peers' successes!

7. Why is giving back to the Westover Fund important to you? 

The Westover Fund will always be important for me to contribute to because of the overall impact Westover has had on me. I am grateful for every Westover experience, the teachers, the traditions, and the exceptional education. I want Westover to be part of my future, as it has made such an impact on me as an individual. I want to show my appreciation and support for as long as I can by helping young women gain an experience similar to mine.

8. What is one thing you’ve learned about yourself or come to value more during this global pandemic?

I value adaptability and my own ability (and even desire) to still challenge myself in difficult times. My friends and family called me crazy for completing the Whole 30 cleanse during April quarantine, which eliminates all processed foods and sweets for 30 days! I knew I needed something to focus on and be proud of accomplishing during a time where everything else was out of my control. I think that is something Westover instilled in me. On “snow days” while most students take the day to enjoy and rest, Westover girls show up to class. We never stop learning and growing!

9. What advice would you give to current Westover students who are in the midst of a “new normal?” 

Focus on what you can control, and set small, meaningful goals for yourself, especially if this was normal pre-pandemic. When it feels like our life is on hold given outside forces we cannot control, we can still push ourselves to learn and grow.

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Alumna October Spotlight: Callee Roscoe '11