Faculty Spotlight: Shamair Todman

Faculty Spotlight: Shamair Todman
Community Academic

Faculty Spotlight: Shamair Todman

Shamair joined the Westover community in 2020 and brought with her a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for education. At Westover, she serves as the Director of Academic Services tending to all of the behind-the-scenes details and processes that it takes to make classes happen, and she does so with tremendous care and exceptional organization. In addition to her primary role in the Academic Office, she also supports the student experience as the faculty advisor for the Black Student Union and Yearbook Committee. 



What drew you to working at Westover School? 

I fell in love with boarding schools 15 years ago when I served as Director of Secondary School Counseling at a K-8 school in Newark, NJ. I toured many schools and hosted an annual fair which opened my eyes to the possibilities. Since it was too late for me to attend as a student, I figured being an employee would be the next best thing. My Godsister graduated from Westover. I definitely called her before applying for the position. She said my presence was needed and that I would enjoy bringing my gifts to the school. Having the Westover connection with her and her mom warms my heart and brings comfort. 

What book are you currently reading? 

 I am currently reading Past Perfect by Danielle Steel. It's about two families residing in the same house, but existing 100 years apart. It's a unique and comforting take on ghosts. 

What is the first question you wish people would ask to get to know you?

I would love for someone to ask "What's your personal disclaimer?" It would give me the opportunity to say, "Well, I'm naturally reserved, prefer deep conversation over small talk, and my relaxed facial expressions shouldn't be mistaken for being unapproachable or upset."

What are you looking forward to this school year? 

I'm looking forward to the events and programming that BSU has lined up for Black History Month, and I also cannot wait for the dance concert!


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Faculty Spotlight: Shamair Todman