Westover Community Set For A Strong 2021-22 Academic Year

Westover Community Set For A Strong 2021-22 Academic Year
Academic Events

There was a noticeable excitement in the air as families entered Westover this past week for the start of the 2021-22 academic year. After more than 12 months of hybrid and in-person learning models due to the coronavirus pandemic, Westover welcomed its community members -- day and boarding students -- back to campus for a full five-day in-person schedule to begin the academic year. Afternoon activities of Athletics, Theater, and Dance will be using the Afternoon Activities block on Saturdays as well. 

“The global climate has created a lot of pressure and stress for young people, so it lifts my spirit knowing that Westover remains a steady foundation for our students to journey toward their authentic, true selves,” Westover’s Director of Enrollment David Tuttle said. 

The opening enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic year brings in a total of 184 students, which includes 55 seniors, 50 juniors, 45 sophomores, and 34 freshmen. David explained despite the hurdles that last year brought due to the pandemic --  creating virtual events, travel,  interviews and reimagining ways to reach prospective families across the world -- he was proud of the way the Westover community reacted and stepped up to the challenge. 

In true Westover spirit, we saw that Westover's presence around the world, our quality education and program offerings, and our strong relationships with educational consultants allowed us to connect with confident, amazing young people and enroll them to join our community,

he said.

This year’s student body hails from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Texas, New York, California, Hawaii, Nebraska, Virginia, New Jersey, Florida, New Hampshire, Colorado and  Louisiana. Internationally, China, Egypt, Bulgaria, Kenya, Rwanda, South Korea, Vietnam, Germany, Mexico, Barbados, Canada, Congo, Hong Kong and Columbia are all represented. David said the depth and breadth of the enrollment this year is due to an intentional focus on reducing as much bias on the admission process and creating equity by asking every applicant the same four questions around character traits that Admissions have come to know to allow for a student to be successful at Westover.  

“We worked with department heads and school leaders to determine what these traits look like and words such as these came back to us to use: motivated, open-minded, engaged, kind, well-rounded, humble, curious, thoughtful and hard-working,” he said. “I can confidently say we have a community of learners who embrace all these characteristics and more!”

While Westover sets to embrace what the academic year will bring -- Classes will officially start on Tuesday, Sept. 7th -- having the community and many new faces all together amongst the yellow walls of Westover is a reassuring feeling.

“What a privilege it is to help build this community every year, and to see the moments unveil themselves when change occurs, compassion takes hold, and the lanterns that light our halls illuminate within each student as they fulfill and reach their full potential,” David said. “I am excited to welcome all our new families and students to Westover this Fall, and look forward to all the amazing moments the year will bring to us all.”

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Westover Community Set For A Strong 2021-22 Academic Year