Approaching COVID-19 at School - Fall 2023

Approaching COVID-19 at School - Fall 2023


  Approaching COVID-19 at School - Fall 2023

This fall we are supporting an active campus life at Westover, including classes, activities, athletics, and residential life. We are in community and working to support general health and wellness on campus. While our approach to COVID-19 today looks very different than in the fall of 2020, we are still taking precautions consistent with guidance from the CDC to make sure we minimize the spread of COVID-19 while promoting health and wellness. 

2023-2024 Quarantine & Isolation Policy

Community members do not need to quarantine after a close contact COVID-19 exposure if asymptomatic. They should get a COVID test 5 days after exposure and monitor for any symptoms. They are encouraged to wear a mask at all times for 10 days after exposure. If experiencing any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, the individual should get tested as soon as symptoms develop.

Guidelines for any community member who tests positive for COVID-19

  • If a day student tests positive for COVID-19, they must stay home for at least 5 days (from positive test, or from onset of symptoms if they were asymptomatic at the time of testing) or until symptoms improve (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours). Academic accommodations will be made for students. 
  • If a boarding student tests positive for COVID-19, they will be isolated in the health center or a designated isolation space on campus under the care of the health center staff until a parent/guardian/emergency contact can retrieve the student from campus within 12 hours of diagnosis. Consistent with the CDC guidelines, these individuals must isolate for at least 5 days (from positive test, or from onset of symptoms if they were asymptomatic at the time of testing) or until symptoms improve (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours). Please note a local guardian is required for all of our boarding students through the guardian verify database.
  • If a faculty or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they must stay home for at least 5 days (from positive test, or from onset of symptoms if they were asymptomatic at the time of testing) or until symptoms improve (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours). Accommodations will be made to cover responsibilities and campus-based activities in partnership with direct supervisors. Please review the Employee Handbook for additional information on time off policies. 

Listed below are guidelines around Westover’s COVID policy and answers to some frequently asked questions about life on campus at Westover this fall and COVID-19:  

When can you discontinue self-Isolation and start the 5 day quarantine?

After the 5 days of isolation please continue to self-quarantine for 5 days wearing a mask 24/7 while out in public and eating meals alone or 6 feet from other individuals until you are 10 days past your symptom onset date

After the 5 days of isolation, community members can “opt out” of this masking requirement if they test negative on 2 COVID antigen self tests 48 hours apart. 

When can you return to campus? 

ALL of the following must be achieved before you can end isolation and return to class/work:

  • At least 5 days from onset of initial symptoms OR 5 days from a positive test result if asymptomatic
  • No fever for at least 24 hours. A fever is defined as 100.4 or higher.  This must be without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  • Resolved respiratory (coughing/sneezing) and gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea/vomiting)
  • Westover Health Center approval 

Questions? Contact Health Center Director Jen Hill at [email protected]


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Approaching COVID-19 at School - Fall 2023