Faculty Spotlight: Yihan (Daisy) Wang

Faculty Spotlight: Yihan (Daisy) Wang

Faculty Spotlight: Yihan (Daisy) Wang

Daisy joined Westover this year and serves as a Dorm Faculty and Rasin Center Associate. Daisy is from Xi’An, China and is a recent graduate of Mount Holyoke College with a degree in Psychology and Education. She is passionate about educating young women and from her experiences as an international student in college, she has a vested interest in supporting international students in their own residential experiences. Daisy lives on corridor with the 10th grade students. 

Get to know Daisy in her own words:

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Three adjectives that come to mind when I think about myself are passionate, empathetic, and open-minded individual. 

What drew you to working at Westover School?

During my campus tour last spring, I noticed that people in this community seemed happy, connected, and supportive. Being part of such a close-knit community and growing alongside a group of promising students is something I aspire to.

What are your favorite weekend activities? 

I really enjoy being creative so I would say drawing and watercolor!

What is your favorite food?

I love ice cream! I can eat ice cream for breakfast haha. My favorite flavors are matcha, chocolate fudge, cookie dough with chocolate chips, boba tea, strawberry cheesecake, and rum. Yummmm!

As a dorm faculty member, how have you created a sense of home in your residence on corridor? 

I've brought over my tea utensils from home, a mix of my parents' collection and cherished gifts from friends. It's comforting to have a piece of my family and friends in my space. Each gift holds deep meaning and it reminds me of the moments that made my life special and connected.

What is your favorite thing about your students on corridor?

Having conversations with students is a joy for me, and sometimes I consider them as my neighbors who grow and live with me. Whether it's a personal chat or a small group interaction, I enjoy listening to their ideas, thoughts, curiosities, and even the challenges they are facing. Being a support to those around me is fulfilling, and these young minds' energy and dreams also empower me.

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Faculty Spotlight: Yihan (Daisy) Wang