Alumna September Spotlight: Minh To '15

Alumna September Spotlight: Minh To '15

Minh To graduated from Westover in 2015 and went to Hamilton College to study Computer Science. She graduated from Hamilton in 2019.

1. How did Westover prepare you to head into a brand new environment (socially, academics, time management, being away from home,Minh To etc) during your first year of college? 

At my college, every freshman has to take a writing-intensive course. English courses at Westover prepared me well to read critically and express myself clearly through writing. I made a habit during freshman year to schedule appointments with my Literature professor to go over my thoughts and outlines for my papers, just like I did during conferences at Westover. This process of time management and communication helped me develop better arguments in my writing.

2. How did Westover give you the confidence to find yourself or find success in college?

Having been a part of the WISE (Women In Science and Engineering) Program and having taken a few Computer Science classes, including the AP course at Westover, helped me realize my passion for problem solving. I had enjoyed programming throughout high school, and the AP course gave me an opportunity to skip the college introductory level course to a more advanced level for freshmen. This gave me a head start and also confidence to keep pursuing the subject since the beginning of college.

3. What is something you discovered about yourself during your time in college?

During college, I became more active and vocal about the importance of diversity and intersectionality when it comes to social justice. I came to embrace my culture and my identity more as I navigated through college. This realization gave me more certainty that I want to create a diverse environment for myself, so I can keep learning and also sharing my experiences with others.

4. What is one risk you took after Westover that helped shape who you are today?

During the summer after my sophomore year of college, I had been offered a paid position working with a Computer Science professor at my college. However, I still had a curiosity to learn more about web applications, which was not taught at my Computer Science department. I decided to decline the summer position at my college and attend a bootcamp specializing in web development. This program gave me the practical knowledge and helped me build experience around the realm of websites, in which I eventually chose for my career right after college.

5. Since graduating from college, what have you been doing? 

After graduating from Hamilton, I went on to become a software engineer at BlackRock, and I will be celebrating my first year at the firm in a few days.

6. How valuable are your Westover connections? 

My connections with faculty members and friends are invaluable. Going into college, I knew I wanted to recreate close and meaningful relationships like I did at Westover. To this day, friends and teachers from Westover are still a crucial part of my life, and I’m grateful for these connections.

7. Why is giving back to the Westover Fund important to you? 

The reason that I was able to attend Westover was because of the generous financial aid that I received. This gave me the opportunity to travel halfway across the world to find a better education and discover my passions. It is important for me that Westover continues its generosity, and also goes above and beyond in supporting and providing equity for its students of color.

8. What is one thing you’ve learned about yourself or come to value more during this global pandemic?

Staying at home has helped me pay more attention to self-care and rediscover some hobbies that I didn’t have time to invest in before. Now that I’m spending most of my time indoors, I have been baking or trying a new recipe every weekend and gotten new houseplants for my apartment. These activities have helped me stay calm and attentive to the little details in my day-to-day life.

9. What advice would you give to current Westover students who are in the midst of a “new normal?” 

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when things seem to have come to a pause. Take this opportunity to discover a new hobby or something that helps you stay attuned to yourself.  Also, read up and find a way to contribute your voice to the global dialogue around anti-racism.

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Alumna September Spotlight: Minh To '15