Alumna September Spotlight: Stephanie Sorosiak

Alumna September Spotlight: Stephanie Sorosiak
Alumni Events

Name: Stephanie Sorosiak
Graduation Year: 2013
College/University attended: Arizona State University '18; Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance Performance with a Psychology Minor - Dean’s List & Magna Cum Laude graduate

1. How did Westover prepare you to head into a brand new environment (socially, academics, time management, being away from home, etc) during your first year of college? 

It’s no question that Westover prepared me extremely well for the academic side of college. In my freshman year writing course, my professor consistently made remarks on how well I wrote papers (and used grammar!). Needless to say I completed that class with an A+ average.  Westover instilled the level of rigor needed to complete my initial classes with ease. Throughout my time in college, I was one of the most organized among my peers. I knew how to manage time so I could complete coursework while also rehearsing, performing, student teaching, and working part-time jobs through my BFA program. Ultimately what led me to succeed was not only my ability to excel academically, but personally. Westover gave me the confidence to achieve whatever I put my heart into. 

2. How did Westover give you the confidence to find yourself or find success in college? 

 I was never afraid to speak up or become involved in my communities. Westover supported me in finding my passions that I carried wherever I went. Maintaining that confidence in college is crucial to achieving your goals. 

Of course there are days of self-doubt, but I am able to look back at my successes because of these undeniably tough and trying experiences. I am able to excel in collaborative teamwork and remain organized because of the hard work attributed to being a Westover Alumna.  

3. What is something you discovered about yourself during your time in college?

I discovered my desire to make people feel. I know it sounds a little odd, but I love learning how people react to different situations (can you tell I studied psychology?). From working in restaurants, to teaching toddlers creative movement, to baking someone a cupcake, to screening dance films on lawns, all of these experiences bring our communities closer and make people emote. It’s a beautiful way of life.  

4. What is one risk you took after Westover that helped shape who you are today? 

I moved 3,000 miles away at age 19! I took a leap and ended up in the Southwest to finish school. It has been one of the most challenging but rewarding experiences in my young life. I had no family or friends when I moved to Arizona, but it’s become a second home to me. I made a life for myself here and I’m extremely proud. 

5. Since graduating from college, what have you been doing? 

I have been working as a professional dance artist since my time in school, but I am currently with Kraken Still & Film, a contemporary dance and film company based in Phoenix. We travel internationally to shoot and perform dance works. As the Assistant Director, I spend a lot of time grant-writing, producing proposals, coordinating rehearsals, and networking (it’s all about networking!). On the other side, I am a pastry cook! I currently work for Fox Restaurant Concepts as their pastry cook and I run my own baking business from home, Sweets by Stephanie. I specialize in wholesome, natural recipes. I’ve been coined “the dancing baker” which I think is perfectly fitting!

6. How valuable are your Westover connections? 

Westover connections come from far and wide. It’s always a great reminder how connected these generations of women are. I know I always have a support system wherever my life takes me. 

7. Why is giving back to the Westover Fund important to you? 

Our opportunities as students were made possible largely by support through the Westover Fund. Continuing that trend ensures success for future students no matter their challenges. 

8. What is one thing you’ve learned about yourself or come to value more during this global pandemic? 

Do what makes you happy! I cannot stress the importance of that. The pandemic brought a huge wave of self-discovery. I’ve been riding that wave since last year. It’s been immensely challenging at times, but I’ve learned so much about how I want my future to unfold. It put a fire under me to get out of my artistic “rut” and truly pursue what I want - dancing and baking. No matter what the monetary value is, personal success is always most important.  

9. What advice would you give to current Westover students who are in the midst of a “new normal?” 

Stay true to yourself. Find the little joys of life and hold them dear. Never lose sight of your goals. Follow “good news” based platforms and read them often! And remember to smile, because there’s always something to be happy about.

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Alumna September Spotlight: Stephanie Sorosiak